Przeglądaj źródła

0.1.0 alpha in control

Burrit0z 4 lat temu
4 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 363 usunięć
  1. +1
  2. +0
  3. +1
  4. +0

+ 1
- 0
.gitignore Wyświetl plik

@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@

+ 0
- 181 Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
name = kai
lowername = kai

# Build file for kai
# Generated at 05/20/20 13:44:10

pdirname = .dragon

location = /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/
resource_dir = Resources
target = $pdirname/_$location$name.dylib

stage2 = cp $name.plist $

builddir = $pdirname/build
objdir = $pdirname/obj
signdir = $pdirname/sign
signtarget = $signdir/$target.unsigned
symtarget = $signdir/$target.unsym

dragondir = $$DRAGONBUILD
pwd = .
sysroot = $dragondir/sdks/iPhoneOS.sdk

fwSearch = -F$sysroot/System/Library/Frameworks $
-F$sysroot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks -F$dragondir/frameworks
libSearch = -L$dragondir/lib -L.

cc = clang++
ccpp = clang++
ld = clang++
ldid = ldid
dsym = dsymutil
logos = $dragondir/bin/
plutil = plutil
stage = true;

targetios = 10.0

frameworks = -framework BatteryCenter -framework CoreFoundation -framework $
Foundation -framework UIKit -framework CoreGraphics -framework $
QuartzCore -framework CoreImage -framework AudioToolbox

libs = -lsubstrate -lobjc -lc++

arc = -fobjc-arc
warnings = -Wall
optim = -O0
debug = -fcolor-diagnostics

header_includes =
cinclude = -I$dragondir/include -I$dragondir/vendor/include $
-I$dragondir/include/_fallback -I$DRAGONBUILD/headers/ -I$pwd

usrCflags =
usrLDflags =
usrLDIDFlags = -S

lopt = -dynamiclib -ggdb -Xlinker -segalign -Xlinker 4000
typeldflags = -install_name $location$name

cflags = $cinclude -fmodules -fcxx-modules -fmodule-name=$name $
-fbuild-session-file=.dragon/modules/ -fmodules-prune-after=345600 $
-fmodules-prune-interval=86400 $
-fmodules-validate-once-per-build-session $arc $fwSearch $
-miphoneos-version-min=$targetios -isysroot $sysroot $btarg $warnings $
$optim $debug $usrCflags $header_includes

lflags = $cflags $typeldflags $frameworks $libs $lopt $libSearch $usrLDflags

ldflags = $usrLDFlags

pool solo
depth = 1

rule prelogos
command = cat $in | python3 $$DRAGONBUILD/bin/ > $out
description = Processing $in with Pre/Logos

rule logos
command = $logos $in > $out
description = Processing $in with Logos

rule compilearm64
command = $cc -arch arm64 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for arm64

rule compilexxarm64
command = $cxx -arch arm64 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for arm64

rule linkarm64
command = $ld -arch arm64 $lflags -o $out $in
description = Linking $name for arm64

rule compilearm64e
command = $cc -arch arm64e $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for arm64e

rule compilexxarm64e
command = $cxx -arch arm64e $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for arm64e

rule linkarm64e
command = $ld -arch arm64e $lflags -o $out $in
description = Linking $name for arm64e

rule compilearmv7
command = $cc -arch armv7 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for armv7

rule compilexxarmv7
command = $cxx -arch armv7 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for armv7

rule linkarmv7
command = $ld -arch armv7 $lflags -o $out $in
description = Linking $name for armv7

rule compilex86_64
command = $cc -arch x86_64 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for x86_64

rule compilexxx86_64
command = $cxx -arch x86_64 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for x86_64

rule linkx86_64
command = $ld -arch x86_64 $lflags -o $out $in
description = Linking $name for x86_64

rule lipo
command = lipo -create $in -output $out
description = Merging architectures

rule bundle
command = mkdir -p ".dragon/_$location/" && cp -r "$resource_dir/" $
".dragon/_$location" && cp $in $out
description = Copying Bundle Resources
pool = solo

rule plist
command = $plutil -convert binary1 $in -o $out
description = Converting $in

rule debug
command = $dsym "$in" 2&> /dev/null; cp $in $out
description = Generating Debug Symbols for $name

rule sign
command = $ldid $usrLDIDFlags $in && cp $in $target
description = Signing $name

rule stage
command = $stage $stage2
description = Running Stage for $name

build $builddir/logos/ logos Kai.xm

build $builddir/armv7/ compilearmv7 $builddir/logos/

build $builddir/$name.armv7: linkarmv7 $builddir/armv7/
build $builddir/arm64/ compilearm64 $builddir/logos/

build $builddir/$name.arm64: linkarm64 $builddir/arm64/
build $builddir/arm64e/ compilearm64e $builddir/logos/

build $builddir/$name.arm64e: linkarm64e $builddir/arm64e/
build $builddir/trash/stage: stage $target

build $symtarget: lipo $builddir/$name.armv7 $builddir/$name.arm64 $

build $signtarget: debug $symtarget

build $target: sign $signtarget

default $target $builddir/trash/stage

+ 1
- 1
control Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: com.burritoz.kai
Name: Kai
Version: 0.0.4
Version: 0.1.0~alpha
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Description: Show charging banners on your lock screen!
Maintainer: burrit0z

+ 0
- 181
kaiprefs/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
name = kaiPrefs
lowername = kaiprefs

# Build file for kaiPrefs
# Generated at 05/20/20 13:44:10

pdirname = .dragon

location = /Library/PreferenceBundles/$name.bundle/
resource_dir = Resources
target = $pdirname/_$location$name

stage2 =

builddir = $pdirname/build
objdir = $pdirname/obj
signdir = $pdirname/sign
signtarget = $signdir/$target.unsigned
symtarget = $signdir/$target.unsym

dragondir = $$DRAGONBUILD
pwd = .
sysroot = $dragondir/sdks/iPhoneOS.sdk

fwSearch = -F$sysroot/System/Library/Frameworks $
-F$sysroot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks -F$dragondir/frameworks
libSearch = -L$dragondir/lib -L.

cc = clang++
ccpp = clang++
ld = clang++
ldid = ldid
dsym = dsymutil
logos = $dragondir/bin/
plutil = plutil
stage = mkdir -p .dragon/_/Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences/ && cp $
entry.plist .dragon/_/Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences/$name.plist

targetios = 10.0

frameworks = -framework Preferences -framework CoreFoundation -framework $
Foundation -framework UIKit -framework CoreGraphics -framework $
QuartzCore -framework CoreImage -framework AudioToolbox

libs = -lobjc -lc++

arc = -fobjc-arc
warnings = -Wall
optim = -O0
debug = -fcolor-diagnostics

header_includes =
cinclude = -I$dragondir/include -I$dragondir/vendor/include $
-I$dragondir/include/_fallback -I$DRAGONBUILD/headers/ -I$pwd

usrCflags =
usrLDflags =
usrLDIDFlags = -S

lopt = -dynamiclib -ggdb -Xlinker -segalign -Xlinker 4000
typeldflags = -install_name $location$name

cflags = $cinclude -fmodules -fcxx-modules -fmodule-name=$name $
-fbuild-session-file=.dragon/modules/ -fmodules-prune-after=345600 $
-fmodules-prune-interval=86400 $
-fmodules-validate-once-per-build-session $arc $fwSearch $
-miphoneos-version-min=$targetios -isysroot $sysroot $btarg $warnings $
$optim $debug $usrCflags $header_includes

lflags = $cflags $typeldflags $frameworks $libs $lopt $libSearch $usrLDflags

ldflags = $usrLDFlags

pool solo
depth = 1

rule prelogos
command = cat $in | python3 $$DRAGONBUILD/bin/ > $out
description = Processing $in with Pre/Logos

rule logos
command = $logos $in > $out
description = Processing $in with Logos

rule compilearm64
command = $cc -arch arm64 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for arm64

rule compilexxarm64
command = $cxx -arch arm64 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for arm64

rule linkarm64
command = $ld -arch arm64 $lflags -o $out $in
description = Linking $name for arm64

rule compilearm64e
command = $cc -arch arm64e $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for arm64e

rule compilexxarm64e
command = $cxx -arch arm64e $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for arm64e

rule linkarm64e
command = $ld -arch arm64e $lflags -o $out $in
description = Linking $name for arm64e

rule compilearmv7
command = $cc -arch armv7 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for armv7

rule compilexxarmv7
command = $cxx -arch armv7 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for armv7

rule linkarmv7
command = $ld -arch armv7 $lflags -o $out $in
description = Linking $name for armv7

rule compilex86_64
command = $cc -arch x86_64 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for x86_64

rule compilexxx86_64
command = $cxx -arch x86_64 $cflags -c $in -o $out
description = Compiling $in for x86_64

rule linkx86_64
command = $ld -arch x86_64 $lflags -o $out $in
description = Linking $name for x86_64

rule lipo
command = lipo -create $in -output $out
description = Merging architectures

rule bundle
command = mkdir -p ".dragon/_$location/" && cp -r "$resource_dir/" $
".dragon/_$location" && cp $in $out
description = Copying Bundle Resources
pool = solo

rule plist
command = $plutil -convert binary1 $in -o $out
description = Converting $in

rule debug
command = $dsym "$in" 2&> /dev/null; cp $in $out
description = Generating Debug Symbols for $name

rule sign
command = $ldid $usrLDIDFlags $in && cp $in $target
description = Signing $name

rule stage
command = $stage $stage2
description = Running Stage for $name

build $builddir/arm64/KAIRootListController.m.o: compilearm64 $

build $builddir/$name.arm64: linkarm64 $
build $builddir/arm64e/KAIRootListController.m.o: compilearm64e $

build $builddir/$name.arm64e: linkarm64e $
build $builddir/trash/bundles: bundle

build $builddir/trash/stage: stage $target

build $symtarget: lipo $builddir/$name.arm64 $builddir/$name.arm64e

build $signtarget: debug $symtarget

build $target: sign $signtarget

default $target $builddir/trash/bundles $builddir/trash/stage
