# Auto-login / Auto-fill for Blackboard's iOS app (Hudson Valley Community College) ====== ## About This tweak will auto-fill your username and password for HVCC's single sign-on. Very helpfull if you use blackboard across multiple devices and keep having to re-login manually on your mobile. ## Media ![Screenshot](../media/IMG_5010.PNG "Setup Screen") ![Screenshot](../media/IMG_5011.PNG "When 'Help' is pressed") ## Installation Go to Releases and download latest deb & install with iFile, Filza, dpkg or whatever suits your fancy. OR Clone repo and compile with theos ## Usage ### Setup Auto-fill * Select "SUNY - Hudson Valleu Community College" from the dropdown menu * Click the "Web Login" * Enter your username & password and hit "OK" * Click Web Login button again and give it a second. * Enjoy never having to type your username and password in again! ### Resetting your login information * Logout if not already * Press the help button * Choose "Change" * Fill out user & pass then "OK" ## Contributing 1. Fork it! 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b add-my-uni` 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add support for my college'` 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin add-my-uni` 5. Submit a pull request :D ## History/Changelog #### 1.0.0 (1/16/2018) * Initial Release ## Credits Made by [Gh0stByte](http://twitter.com/Gh0stByte) ## License ### Modified MIT License. READ IN FULL *BEFORE* USE [License.md](../License.md)