pirms 7 gadiem | |
media | pirms 7 gadiem | |
packages | pirms 7 gadiem | |
.gitattributes | pirms 7 gadiem | |
.gitignore | pirms 7 gadiem | |
BlackBoardHVCCAutoLogin.plist | pirms 7 gadiem | |
License.md | pirms 7 gadiem | |
Makefile | pirms 7 gadiem | |
Readme.md | pirms 7 gadiem | |
Tweak.xm | pirms 7 gadiem | |
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This tweak will auto-fill your username and password for HVCC’s single sign-on. Very helpfull if you use blackboard across multiple devices and keep having to re-login manually on your mobile.
Go to Releases and download latest deb & install with iFile, Filza, dpkg or whatever suits your fancy.
Clone repo and compile with theos
git checkout -b add-my-uni
git commit -am 'Add support for my college'
git push origin add-my-uni
Made by Gh0stByte