tweak to change the "custom no older notifications" text introduced in iOS 11
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

pirms 4 gadiem
  1. @interface SBUILegibilityLabel : UIView
  2. @property (nonatomic,copy) NSString *string;
  3. @end
  4. @interface NCNotificationListSectionRevealHintView : UIView
  5. -(void)_updateHintTitle;
  6. @end
  7. static BOOL enabled;
  8. static NSString* customText = @"";
  9. #define kIdentifier @"com.yaypixxo.cnonprefs"
  10. #define kSettingsChangedNotification (CFStringRef)@"com.yaypixxo.cnonprefs/ReloadPrefs"
  11. #define kSettingsPath @"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.yaypixxo.cnonprefs.plist"
  12. %hook NCNotificationListSectionRevealHintView
  13. -(void)layoutSubviews {
  14. %orig;
  15. if (enabled) {
  16. [MSHookIvar<UILabel *>(self, "_revealHintTitle") setString:customText];
  17. }
  18. }
  19. %end
  20. static void reloadPrefs() {
  21. CFPreferencesAppSynchronize((CFStringRef)kIdentifier);
  22. NSDictionary *prefs = nil;
  23. if ([NSHomeDirectory() isEqualToString:@"/var/mobile"]) {
  24. CFArrayRef keyList = CFPreferencesCopyKeyList((CFStringRef)kIdentifier, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
  25. if (keyList != nil) {
  26. prefs = (NSDictionary *)CFBridgingRelease(CFPreferencesCopyMultiple(keyList, (CFStringRef)kIdentifier, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost));
  27. if (prefs == nil)
  28. prefs = [NSDictionary dictionary];
  29. CFRelease(keyList);
  30. }
  31. }
  32. else {
  33. prefs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:kSettingsPath];
  34. }
  35. enabled = [prefs objectForKey:@"enabled"] ? [(NSNumber *)[prefs objectForKey:@"enabled"] boolValue] : true;
  36. customText = [prefs objectForKey:@"customText"] ? [prefs objectForKey:@"customText"] : changeNotiTxt;
  37. }
  38. %ctor {
  39. reloadPrefs();
  40. CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter(), NULL, (CFNotificationCallback)reloadPrefs, kSettingsChangedNotification, NULL, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately);
  41. }