tweak to change the "custom no older notifications" text introduced in iOS 11
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

Root.plist 1.6KB

il y a 4 ans
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
  3. <plist version="1.0">
  4. <dict>
  5. <key>items</key>
  6. <array>
  7. <dict>
  8. <key>cell</key>
  9. <string>PSSwitchCell</string>
  10. <key>default</key>
  11. <true/>
  12. <key>defaults</key>
  13. <string>com.yaypixxo.cnonprefs</string>
  14. <key>key</key>
  15. <string>enabled</string>
  16. <key>label</key>
  17. <string>Enable</string>
  18. <key>PostNotification</key>
  19. <string>com.yaypixxo.cnonprefs/ReloadPrefs</string>
  20. </dict>
  21. <dict>
  22. <key>cell</key>
  23. <string>PSGroupCell</string>
  24. <key>footerText</key>
  25. <string>Type your custom message or leave blank to hide the text.</string>
  26. </dict>
  27. <dict>
  28. <key>cell</key>
  29. <string>PSEditTextCell</string>
  30. <key>defaults</key>
  31. <string>com.yaypixxo.cnonprefs</string>
  32. <key>default</key>
  33. <string></string>
  34. <key>key</key>
  35. <string>customText</string>
  36. <key>placeholder</key>
  37. <string>custom text here</string>
  38. <key>PostNotification</key>
  39. <string>com.yaypixxo.cnonprefs/ReloadPrefs</string>
  40. </dict>
  41. <dict>
  42. <key>cell</key>
  43. <string>PSButtonCell</string>
  44. <key>action</key>
  45. <string>respring</string>
  46. <key>label</key>
  47. <string>Respring</string>
  48. </dict>
  49. <dict>
  50. <key>cell</key>
  51. <string>PSGroupCell</string>
  52. <key>label</key>
  53. <string>Follow me</string>
  54. </dict>
  55. <dict>
  56. <key>action</key>
  57. <string>openTwitter</string>
  58. <key>cell</key>
  59. <string>PSButtonCell</string>
  60. <key>icon</key>
  61. <string>twitter.png</string>
  62. <key>label</key>
  63. <string>@Ra1nPix</string>
  64. </dict>
  65. </array>
  66. <key>title</key>
  67. <string>CNON</string>
  68. </dict>
  69. </plist>