You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

174 lines

  1. /* ---- Reddit v4 ---- */
  2. /* -- Comment Interfaces -- */
  3. @interface CommentTreeNode
  4. @property(assign,nonatomic) id comment;
  5. //custom elements
  6. @property(assign,nonatomic) id commentTreeHeaderNode;
  7. @property(assign,nonatomic) id commentTreeCommandBarNode;
  8. @end
  9. @interface CommentTreeDisplayNode
  10. @property(assign,nonatomic) id commentNode;
  11. @end
  12. @interface CommentTreeHeaderNode
  13. @property(assign,nonatomic) id commentTreeNode;
  14. -(void) updateContentViewsForData:(id)arg1;
  15. @end
  16. @interface CommentTreeCommandBarNode
  17. @property(assign,nonatomic) id commentTreeNode;
  18. @property(assign,nonatomic) id delegate;
  19. @property(assign,nonatomic) UIView* view;
  20. @property(assign,nonatomic) id overflowButtonNode;
  21. @property(assign,nonatomic) CGRect frame;
  22. //custom elements
  23. @property(assign,nonatomic) id activityIndicator;
  24. @property(assign,nonatomic) id undeleteButton;
  25. @end
  26. @interface CommentActionSheetViewController : UIViewController
  27. @property(assign,nonatomic) id comment;
  28. @property(assign,nonatomic) id commentTreeNode;
  29. -(id)animationControllerForDismissedController:(id) arg1;
  30. @end
  31. /* -- Post Interfaces -- */
  32. @interface Post
  33. @property(assign,nonatomic) id author;
  34. @property(assign,nonatomic) BOOL isSelfPost;
  35. @property(assign,nonatomic) id selfText;
  36. @property(assign,nonatomic) id selfTextAttributed;
  37. @property(assign,nonatomic) id selfPostRichTextAttributed;
  38. @end
  39. @interface PostDetailViewController
  40. @property(assign,nonatomic) id selfTextNode;
  41. -(void) configureSelfTextNode;
  42. //custom elements
  43. @property(assign,nonatomic) id feedPostTextWithThumbnailNode;
  44. @property(assign,nonatomic) id feedPostDetailCellNode;
  45. @end
  46. @interface PostActionSheetViewController : UIViewController
  47. @property(assign,nonatomic) id post;
  48. @property(assign,nonatomic) id postActionSheetDelegate;
  49. @end
  50. @interface PostDetailNavigationItemHandler
  51. @property(assign,nonatomic) id controller;
  52. @property(assign,nonatomic) id presenter;
  53. @end
  54. @interface FeedPostDetailCellNode
  55. @property(assign,nonatomic) id textNode;
  56. @property(assign,nonatomic) id delegate;
  57. @property(assign,nonatomic) id contentNode;
  58. @end
  59. @interface FeedPostDetailDelegator
  60. @property(assign,nonatomic) id viewController;
  61. @end
  62. @interface FeedPostContentNode
  63. -(void) configureSelfTextNode;
  64. @end
  65. /* -- Other Interfaces -- */
  66. @interface RichTextDisplayNode
  67. @property(assign,nonatomic) id attributedText;
  68. @end
  69. @interface RUIActionSheetItem : NSObject
  70. @property(assign,nonatomic) id leftIconImage;
  71. -(id) initWithLeftIconImage:(id) arg1 text:(id) arg2 identifier:(id) arg3 context:(id) arg4;
  72. @end
  73. @interface RUITheme
  74. @property(assign,nonatomic) id bodyTextColor;
  75. @end
  76. @interface NSAttributedStringMarkdownParser
  77. +(id) currentConfig;
  78. +(id) attributedStringUsingCurrentConfig:(id) arg1;
  79. -(id) attributedStringFromMarkdownString:(id) arg1;
  80. -(id) initWithConfig:(id) arg1;
  81. @end
  82. @interface ThemeManager
  83. @property(assign,nonatomic) id dayTheme;
  84. @property(assign,nonatomic) id nightTheme;
  85. -(id) initWithTraitCollection:(id) arg1 appSettings:(id) arg2;
  86. @end
  87. @interface AppSettings
  88. +(id) sharedSettings;
  89. @end
  90. @interface AccountManager
  91. @property(assign,nonatomic) id defaults;
  92. +(id) sharedManager;
  93. @end
  94. /* ---- Reddit v3 ---- */
  95. /* -- Comment Interfaces -- */
  96. @interface CommentCell : UIView
  97. -(id) delegate;
  98. -(id) comment;
  99. -(id) commentView;
  100. @end
  101. @interface CommentView
  102. -(void) configureSubviews;
  103. -(void) layoutSubviews;
  104. -(id) commandView;
  105. -(id) comment;
  106. -(id) delegate;
  107. @end
  108. @interface CommentCommandView
  109. @property (nonatomic, assign) id undeleteButton;
  110. -(id)overflowButton;
  111. -(id) comment;
  112. -(id) delegate;
  113. @end
  114. @interface CommentsViewController
  115. -(void) reloadCommentsWithNewCommentsHighlight:(BOOL) arg1 autoScroll:(BOOL) arg2 animated:(BOOL) arg3;
  116. -(void)updateFloatingViews;
  117. @end
  118. /* -- Other Interfaces -- */
  119. @interface MarkDownParser
  120. +(id)attributedStringFromMarkdownString:(id)arg1;
  121. @end
  122. /* ---- Reddit v3 & v4 ---- */
  123. @interface Comment
  124. //v4
  125. @property(assign,nonatomic) id bodyRichTextAttributed;
  126. @property(assign,nonatomic) id pk;
  127. //v3
  128. -(id)pkWithoutPrefix;
  129. @end