// respring function @interface FBSystemService : NSObject +(id)sharedInstance; -(void)exitAndRelaunch:(bool)arg1; @end static void RespringDevice() { [[%c(FBSystemService) sharedInstance] exitAndRelaunch:YES]; } // prefs @interface NSUserDefaults (KagePrefs) -(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)key inDomain:(NSString *)domain; -(void)setObject:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key inDomain:(NSString *)domain; @end static NSString *nsDomainString = @"com.yaypixxo.kage"; static NSString *nsNotificationString = @"com.yaypixxo.kage/preferences.changed"; // declare pref things here (switches, buttons, etc.) static BOOL enabled; static BOOL hideQuickActionsBG; static BOOL gridSwitcher; static BOOL hideLSBatt; static BOOL statusBarShowTimeLS; static BOOL hideLabels; static BOOL hideCarPlayLabels; static BOOL hideFolderBadges; //static BOOL hideStatusBarLS; static BOOL hideCCGrabber; static void notificationCallback(CFNotificationCenterRef center, void *observer, CFStringRef name, const void *object, CFDictionaryRef userInfo) { NSNumber *eEnabled = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"enabled" inDomain:nsDomainString]; NSNumber *eHideQuickActionsBG = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"hideQuickActionsBG" inDomain:nsDomainString]; NSNumber *eGridSwitcher = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"gridSwitcher" inDomain:nsDomainString]; NSNumber *eHideLSBatt = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"hideLSBatt" inDomain:nsDomainString]; NSNumber *eStatusBarShowTimeLS = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"statusBarShowTimeLS" inDomain:nsDomainString]; NSNumber *eHideLabels = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"hideLabels" inDomain:nsDomainString]; NSNumber *eHideCarPlayLabels = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"hideCarPlayLabels" inDomain:nsDomainString]; NSNumber *eHideFolderBadges = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"hideFolderBadges" inDomain:nsDomainString]; //NSNumber *eHideStatusBarLS = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"hideStatusBarLS" inDomain:nsDomainString]; NSNumber *eHideCCGrabber = (NSNumber *)[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"hideCCGrabber" inDomain:nsDomainString]; enabled = (eEnabled) ? [eEnabled boolValue]:NO; hideQuickActionsBG = (eHideQuickActionsBG) ? [eHideQuickActionsBG boolValue]:NO; gridSwitcher = (eGridSwitcher) ? [eGridSwitcher boolValue]:NO; hideLSBatt = (eHideLSBatt) ? [eHideLSBatt boolValue]:NO; statusBarShowTimeLS = (eStatusBarShowTimeLS) ? [eStatusBarShowTimeLS boolValue]:NO; hideLabels = (eHideLabels) ? [eHideLabels boolValue]:NO; hideCarPlayLabels = (eHideCarPlayLabels) ? [eHideCarPlayLabels boolValue]:NO; hideFolderBadges = (eHideFolderBadges) ? [eHideFolderBadges boolValue]:NO; //hideStatusBarLS = (eHideStatusBarLS) ? [eHideStatusBarLS boolValue]:NO; hideCCGrabber = (eHideCCGrabber) ? [eHideCCGrabber boolValue]:NO; } // headers and hooks #import @interface SBIconView : UIView -(void)setLabelHidden:(BOOL)hidden; @end @interface SBIcon : NSObject -(id)badgeNumberOrString; @end @interface CSTeachableMomentsContainerView { } @property (nonatomic,retain) UIView * controlCenterGrabberView; @end #ifndef kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_13_0 #define kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_13_0 1665.15 #endif #define kSLSystemVersioniOS13 kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber >= kCFCoreFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_13_0 // HIDE CC GRABBER START // %hook CSTeachableMomentsContainerView - (void)layoutSubviews { if (enabled && hideCCGrabber) { [self.controlCenterGrabberView setHidden:YES]; } else { [self.controlCenterGrabberView setHidden:NO]; } return %orig; } %end // HIDE CC GRABBER END // // QUICK ACTIONS BG START // %hook UICoverSheetButton -(id)_backgroundEffectsWithBrightness:(double)arg1 { if (enabled && hideQuickActionsBG) { return 0; } else { return %orig; } } %end // QUICK ACTIONS BG END // // HIDE FOLDER BADGE TEXT START // %hook SBIcon -(id)badgeNumberOrString { if (enabled && hideFolderBadges) { return @""; } else { return %orig; } } %end // HIDE FOLDER BADGE TEXT END // // HIDE LABELS START // %hook SBIconView -(void)setLabelHidden:(BOOL)hidden { if (enabled && hideLabels) { hidden = YES; } %orig; } %end // HIDE LABELS END // // stuff that only works on iOS 13 %group ios13 // SHOW TIME IN LS STATUSBAR START // %hook CSCoverSheetViewController - (bool)shouldShowLockStatusBarTime { if (enabled && statusBarShowTimeLS) { return YES; } else { return %orig; } } %end // SHOW TIME IN LS STATUSBAR END // // HIDE CC GRABBER START // %hook CSTeachableMomentsContainerView - (void)layoutSubviews { if (enabled && hideCCGrabber) { [self.controlCenterGrabberView setHidden:YES]; } else { [self.controlCenterGrabberView setHidden:NO]; } return %orig; } %end // HIDE CC GRABBER END // // HIDE CARPLAY LABELS START // %hook CARIconView +(CGSize)maxLabelSizeForIconImageSize:(CGSize)imageSize { if (enabled && hideCarPlayLabels) { return CGSizeZero; } else { return %orig; } } %end // HIDE CARPLAY LABELS END // %end // end ios13 group // stuff that only works on iOS 12 %group ios12 // SHOW TIME IN LS STATUSBAR START // %hook SBLockScreenViewControllerBase - (bool)shouldShowLockStatusBarTime { if (enabled && statusBarShowTimeLS) { return YES; } else { return %orig; } } %end // SHOW TIME IN LS STATUSBAR END // // HIDE CC GRABBER START // %hook SBDashBoardTeachableMomentsContainerView - (void)layoutSubviews { if (enabled && hideCCGrabber) { [self.controlCenterGrabberView setHidden:YES]; } else { [self.controlCenterGrabberView setHidden:NO]; } return %orig; } %end // HIDE CC GRABBER END // // HIDE CARPLAY LABELS START // %hook SBStarkIconView +(CGSize)maxLabelSize { if (enabled && hideCarPlayLabels) { return CGSizeZero; } else { return %orig; } } %end // HIDE CARPLAY LABELS END // %end // end ios12 group // GRID SWITCHER START // %hook SBAppSwitcherSettings - (void)setGridSwitcherPageScale:(double)arg1 { if (enabled && gridSwitcher) { arg1 = 0.4; } %orig; } - (void)setGridSwitcherHorizontalInterpageSpacingPortrait:(double)arg1 { if (enabled && gridSwitcher) { arg1 = 25.5; } %orig; } - (void)setGridSwitcherHorizontalInterpageSpacingLandscape:(double)arg1 { if (enabled && gridSwitcher) { arg1 = 11.6; } %orig; } - (void)setGridSwitcherVerticalNaturalSpacingPortrait:(double)arg1 { if (enabled && gridSwitcher) { arg1 = 42; } %orig; } - (void)setGridSwitcherVerticalNaturalSpacingLandscape:(double)arg1 { if (enabled && gridSwitcher) { arg1 = 38; } %orig; } - (void)setSwitcherStyle:(long long)arg1 { if (enabled && gridSwitcher) { arg1 = 2; } %orig; } %end // GRID SWITCHER END // // NO LS BATTERY START // %hook CSCoverSheetViewController - (void)_transitionChargingViewToVisible:(bool)arg1 showBattery:(bool)arg2 animated:(bool)arg3 { if (enabled && hideLSBatt) { arg1 = 0; } %orig; } %end // NO LS BATTERY END // // LISTENERS %ctor { // check iOS version if (kSLSystemVersioniOS13) { %init(ios13); } else { %init(ios12); } // prefs changed listener notificationCallback(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter(), NULL, notificationCallback, (CFStringRef)nsNotificationString, NULL, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorCoalesce); // respring listener CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter(), NULL, (CFNotificationCallback)RespringDevice, CFSTR("com.yaypixxo.kage/respring"), NULL, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately); }