Device battery indicators on your Lock Screen
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Changelog 2.3KB

4 years ago
  1. 1.0.1:
  2. - Added horizontal mode offset option for x axis
  3. - Added horizontal mode alignment with nice little slide animations when re-aligning
  4. - Added hide battery icon option
  5. - In horizontal mode, the "vertical spacing" option now adds padding after kai
  6. - Fixed an issue where cells would not be disposed of properly
  7. 1.1.0:
  8. - Fixed cells overlapping in vertical mode
  9. - Added option to add vertical padding after kai
  10. - corrected issue where the "re-align after refreshing" option would be ignored and kai would always re-align
  11. - Renoved apply button, prefs now automatically apply (thanks to gilshahar7 for the idea :)
  12. - Added delete prefs button (again, thanks to gilshahar7 for the suggestions)
  13. - Horizontal scrolling indicator is now hidden
  14. - Added option to completely hide the phone battery in kai
  15. - Helped resolve issues with AirPod device grouping being buggy, and cells would jump around (WIP)
  16. 1.1.1:
  17. - Added a label to make it clear when the tweak was not yet activated, and license needed to be downloaded.
  18. - Fixed issues with licenses not activating
  19. - Added @vanwijkdave to credits in prefs for the header cell (sorry for not adding you before, this was overlooked)
  20. - My credit cell now links my Twitter account
  21. - Under the hood optimizations for keeping track of connected devices
  22. 1.1.2:
  23. - Fixed cells still showing after device was disconnected (they will now remove as soon as they disappear from stock battery widget)
  24. - Improve memory management within cells
  25. - Fixed issue where the tweak would not disable in 1.1.1 and would always be on
  26. 1.1.3:
  27. - Fixed compatibility for my upcoming tweak, Aperio
  28. - Automatic alignment in horizontal mode should feel a lot snappier now
  29. 1.1.3-1:
  30. - Compiled with latest DragonBuild
  31. - Removed armv7 slice to reduce binary size
  32. 1.2.0:
  33. - Large improvements to kai's auto alignment
  34. - Fixes issues where kai would always re align when opening notification center
  35. 1.2.1:
  36. - Add an option to hide kai when media player is showing on the lock screen (kai will be shown again once music player is removed from the lock screen)
  37. - Fixed issues with vertical mode alignment
  38. 1.3.0:
  39. - kai is now free!
  40. - General improvements, new prefs banner
  41. 1.3.1:
  42. - Fix very unoptimized code, made it more-ish optimized
  43. - Below music option now moves kai just below the media controls, and not to the very bottom.
  44. - Fixed kai going below Axon with below music player option on