Download GIFs with Antenna Browser for Reddit natively
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  1. # AntennaGIFDL
  2. Download GIFs from Antenna natively
  3. ## Installation
  4. Go to Releases and download latest deb & install with iFile/Filza
  5. OR
  6. Clone repo and compile with theos
  7. ## Usage
  8. NOTE: You MUST enable photo access to be able to save media
  9. ### Save GIF
  10. * Click GIF to get into full-screen GIF mode
  11. * Long press & select "Save GIF"
  12. ## Contributing
  13. 1. Fork it!
  14. 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`
  15. 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`
  16. 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`
  17. 5. Submit a pull request :D
  18. ## History/Changelog
  19. #### 1.0.0 (1/3/2017)
  20. * Initial Release
  21. ## Credits
  22. Made by [Gh0stByte](
  23. Suggestion by /u/GiraffeFactor
  24. ## License
  25. TODO: Write license