Bring the 3D Touch tick sound for Apps from iOS 13 to iOS 12 and lower
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4 роки тому
  1. Package: me.shymemoriees.tick
  2. Name: Tick
  3. Depends: mobilesubstrate, ws.hbang.common (>= 1.11), firmware (<< 13)
  4. Architecture: iphoneos-arm
  5. Description: Bring the 3D Touch tick sound for Apps from iOS 13 to iOS 12 and lower
  6. Maintainer: ShyMemoriees <>
  7. Author: ShyMemoriees <>
  8. Section: Tweaks
  9. Depiction:
  10. SileoDepiction:
  11. Icon:
  12. Version: 1.0
  13. Installed-Size: 392